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nastia • 1 month ago
I'm Dorian,creator of For a while now,I've been looking for a good logo for my juice bar. I think a lettermark will fit best. Would you be interested?
logo for a juice bar
nastia • 1 month ago

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I like the simplicity of this logo it's have a luxury and modern vibes
1 month ago by Diarry - Reply
the logo is solid, but the letter structure could've been a bit stronger
1 month ago by Jess Watson - Reply
Nice logo. how about adding some fun feeling to it, probably wavy lines.
1 month ago by Gift Ikechukwu - Reply
Good one.
1 month ago by Huda Sherin - Reply
a juice bar logo should be more pictorial and colour full
1 month ago by abdul - Reply
Good and clean work
1 month ago by Favour Solomon - Reply

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