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Written Illustration Briefs


Kindergarten Coloring Plate

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Goodday! My name is Lizzy, and I am a teacher at a small kindergarten. The kids I teach are mainly five or six-year-olds and are currently paying a lot of interest to th...
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Documentary Self-Portrait

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Hi! My name is Lauren, I am a student at the New York Film Academy and am currently working on my third documentary. Because I grew up with an artistic family myself, I ...
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Bird Pamphlet

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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Magazine Article illustration

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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Musical Flyer

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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Package Wrapping Paper

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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Movie Club Poster

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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StarX Gym Poster

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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Fashion Runway Looks

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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called “Som-Num” (from the Latin word somnum, meaning sleep). Our business is still very...
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