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Practice illustration using randomly generated client briefs

Upgrade to FakeClients Pro to enable pro briefs. Pro briefs are longer, more realistic, and contain a lot more details than the regular briefs
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Or try the more in-depth, written briefs

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Michelle Gobeil

Hi! I came by some of your work online and love it! The reason I'm contacting you is that I need a logo for...
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DTP Shipping Solutions

Dear, My name is Lorrie and I am the marketing director of DTP Shipping Solutions, a shipping company based...
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Hi! We are an up-and-coming startup based in Seattle that develops smart mattresses, called "Som-Num" (from...
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About FakeClients Illustration & Drawing is an easy-to-use, free tool for beginning illustrators to practice their illustration skills. Using the illustration brief generator you can generate prompts that you can work on as if they were real clients. Use these prompts to practice, fill up your portfolio or prepare for a job interview.

To generate your first prompt, simply click the "Generate Brief"-button. A randomly generated illustration brief will be generated for you. Because of the huge amount of potential combinations, no brief is the same. Click the button as much as you want until you get an illustration brief you would like to work on. Try to work on the fake client briefs just like you would when working on a real client's request and go through your whole illustration process to get as much practice and the best result.

Getting Feedback on your Illustrations

Once you are finished with your illustration, you can add it to your portfolio, share it or try to get some feedback on the feedback platform of FakeClients. Go to and post your illustration and the other FakeClients users will gladly offer you helpful feedback for you to improve your illustration. To improve your chances of getting feedback, be sure to give some feedback to other users and ask them what they think about your work. Don’t be afraid to post your work on, it doesn’t matter if you’re an absolute beginner or a professional, the community on our feedback platform will be kind and provide you with the feedback you need. If you want to get some more exposure for your work and social media account, you can check the “allow sharing” checkbox on the feedback form. Your illustration will automatically be shared on the FakeClients Instagram account and your username will be tagged if you decide to fill that in as well. You can also share your illustrations on Instagram or other social media platforms using the hashtag ‘#fakeclients’.

Using FakeClients as a drawing challenge

Many people decide to use FakeClients’ generator as a drawing challenge. This is an excellent way to get yourself to practice illustration. Simply create a list of a number of briefs and decide on what timeframe you’d like to complete the challenge. These drawing challenges typically last for 10-30 days but some people even decide to do it for 100 days or more. When you use FakeClients, deciding the duration of the challenge is completely up to you. You can even decide to use it twice a day or a few times per week.

Using the Longer FakeClient Illustration Briefs

Besides the FakeClients generator, you can also use some of the longer, written illustration briefs. These briefs go more in-depth into the design requirements and are typically a bit more difficult to work on for beginning illustrators. To get access to these longer briefs, you simply need to sign up for FakeClients and upgrade to FakeClients Pro. Once you've upgraded your account, just go to and pick one of the briefs to start working on your practice project. These longer briefs are an excellent way to get more illustration practice and your practice projects will look great on your portfolio. When you're done with your first brief, simply pick another one as, with over 200 written briefs, there are more than enough for you to pick from.