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Delivery Logo Inspiration

Aug 28, 2022 - By August van de Ven

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Most delivery and shipping companies use the same general styling as most companies in the B2B category. As these companies generally want to be seen as robust and precise, they'll have logos that try to reflect that. This means that these logos will often use big, bold, and sans-serif letters, optionally in combination with a simple symbol. When a delivery company specifically wants to accentuate the fact that they are fast, they'll also often use italic letters. The DHL logo is a good example of this.

Hidden symbols in delivery logos

A lot of delivery companies will take inspiration from the famous hidden arrow in the whitespace of the FedEx logo and try something similar with their logo. It can be hard to do this as it both shouldn't be invisible while not being too obnoxious. These are some examples of logos that try to achieve this.

Lettermark delivery logos

Lettermarks that use sans-serif type make great logos for delivery companies as it checks all the desired associations described before while being relatively timeless.

Combination mark logos for delivery companies

If you want the logo to be a little more interesting than a letter mark, you could go for a combination mark. It basically is a word- or letter mark in combination with a symbol or abstract mark. The nice thing is that they can both be used independently which makes them very useful when needed to be printed in various sizes.

Generate Unlimited Logo Design Ideas

Use FakeClients' logo design prompts and briefs to practice design and build your portfolio
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