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thank you so much, I am happy to have your feedback
1 month ago by Diarry
look so elegant
1 month ago by Diarry
look so good and profesionnal even a bit luxurious good job
1 month ago by Diarry
love the colors so much, it's so clean
1 month ago by Diarry
I like the simplicity of this logo it's have a luxury and modern vibes
1 month ago by Diarry
the color make it look a bit cheap, what if you go with a more deep or pale version of this same color ?
1 month ago by Diarry
too basic, maybe if you add some colors that can be more original
1 month ago by Diarry
it's good, but it's look a bite cold without color
1 month ago by Diarry
it's kinda good, but maybe you can add a backround or remove the line at the bottom of the character
1 month ago by Diarry
it's look basic and easy to use. the colors make sens
1 month ago by Diarry
I am sorry but this logo look a bit messy... so much info here I don't even know what to look, maybe you can make it more simple, more easy to understand and more coherent, good luck and keep trying
1 month ago by Diarry
it's dynamic, and look simple and yet so profesionnal
1 month ago by Diarry
it's simple but so pretty, this card give me a good feeling, i love the colors so much !
1 month ago by Diarry
for a more luxurious vibes be more simple and more minimalist to be more classier, work on the colors too, maybe a more neutral or more light color may suit better
1 month ago by Diarry
it's very simple but lovely and easy to use, keep working
1 month ago by Diarry
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Diarry • 1 month ago
this is a logo for a letter delivery company
Diarry • 1 month ago

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This is really creatif!
1 month ago by Faïza KJ - Reply
I think this is so creative. Beautiful work.
1 month ago by Mersades Bergmann - Reply
thank you so much, I am happy to have your feedback
1 month ago by Diarry - Reply

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