Mersades Bergmann

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I think this is so creative. Beautiful work.
1 month ago by Mersades Bergmann



Mersades Bergmann • 1 month ago
Mersades Bergmann • 1 month ago

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The “A’s” are not distinguished enough, try to make the cats fully white and use an actual A but draw over the top white part of the “A”.
1 month ago by Aleksandr - Reply
This is preety awesome. i am happy about this
1 month ago by Raymond - Reply
wow awesome
1 month ago by Hein Htet Zaw - Reply
1 month ago by Made Supardi - Reply
Mersades Bergmann • 1 month ago

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good and organic lines, the stroke needs adjusting
1 month ago by Jess Watson - Reply
1 month ago by Noor Alhaj Yousef - Reply
lovely, but the stroke used should have been painterly like a pencil or crayon or paint brush
1 month ago by Noor Alhaj Yousef - Reply
I love it! It's so simple yet great
1 month ago by Diana Rachmawati - Reply
nice signature logo
1 month ago by Ned - Reply

Jina's Teahouse

Mersades Bergmann • 1 month ago
Mersades Bergmann • 1 month ago

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the font is barely visible, the idea is lovely but the application can be improves
1 month ago by Noor Alhaj Yousef - Reply
the first one seems cool, but the black border on the aqua color made it strange, it feels like a radioactive cafe. the others look pretty generic, so you could use them as inspiration at the beginning, but make sure to mix, cut, mold them, etc. also, try studying more about typography, I also struggle with that
1 month ago by Luiza - Reply
1 month ago by Morgan joy - Reply
Thank you, Mr. Mersades Bergmann, for the three logo designs for my teahouse brand. Each design beautifully captures the essence of what I'm looking for, and I appreciate the creativity and thoughtfulness you've put into them. I especially like the colors you've chosen, as they perfectly represent my brand's identity. I'd love to discuss further and finalize the perfect logo for the brand.
1 month ago by Navillera - Reply

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