Huda Sherin

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thank u so much for ur valuable feedback
1 month ago by Huda Sherin
Nice, one
1 month ago by Huda Sherin
Good one.
1 month ago by Huda Sherin
Nice work. I think wants some improvement in font pairing.
1 month ago by Huda Sherin
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Flyer design for fitfits store

Huda Sherin • 1 month ago
Hello, this is my flyer design for fitfits clothing store. I designed within short time. Is there any mistake. Pls convey to me.. Than i can improve it
Huda Sherin • 1 month ago

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I think you've already made a good flyer design. It's simple and the color combination is nice. The font number is also adequate for us to see what's inside the flyer. Nice job!
1 month ago by Shirley - Reply
thank u so much for ur valuable feedback
1 month ago by Huda Sherin - Reply

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