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Huz Hotel Flyer

Huz Hotel Flyer

Prajesh • 2 years ago
I'm Jina, founder of Huz. I'm looking for someone that can design something for my hotel. I would like a simple flyer for an event. We primarily use the color blue (#42cfff). Can you do that?
Prajesh • 2 years ago

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Hey! Amazing design, but I do have a few suggestions. I would probably make the padding, font, and font size the same on both of the two (for a lack of vocabulary) cards below the pictures (possibly make the text center-aligned). Also, I would push the background text behind the main information farther back. Blurring it, less opacity on the text, etc. And the typography in the main info could be more consistent as well.
2 years ago by Valbe - Reply
There is room for improvement with the layout and the typography, especially the contact details
2 years ago by Ahmed Mahmoud Azwawi - Reply

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