Ahmed Mahmoud Azwawi

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There is room for improvement with the layout and the typography, especially the contact details
2 years ago by Ahmed Mahmoud Azwawi


Original Chicago

Ahmed Mahmoud Azwawi • 2 years ago
Hello! I am Angelic, creator of Original Chicago Ice creams. We are looking for someone that can design a professional logo for our Ice creams. I love mascot logos. Can you help me out?
Mascots aren't my best specialty, but I tried what I could.
please if you have any tips about doing mascots, I would love to hear them,

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Great design!
2 years ago by Jordan Kelly - Reply
Cool idea! The only thing that I, personally, would change is lowering the amount of detail in the actual ice cream. The little strands and spikes would be cool in some circumstances, but I don't believe this is one. Still, you're more creative than me for sure! haha.
2 years ago by Valbe - Reply


Ahmed Mahmoud Azwawi • 2 years ago
I'm Jene, founder of duc.net. I am looking for someone that can design a professional logo for my business. I think a wordmark would look cool. Can you do that?

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This looks good
2 years ago by Feyisayo Onalaja - Reply
Look good
2 years ago by Giovanna Holthaus - Reply

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