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Love this! I like the one with the giant paw more. Really makes it clear what you are selling right away at first glance. I also like ho you can't see the person walking them you can only see the dogs. smart thinking.
4 days ago by sam
Very nice! I think you could have made the sky into something it sort of looks unfinished because shes not looking at anything. Also love the nature aspects but give some ideas of what may be at a film festival-food trucks, actor panels, merch, etc.
4 days ago by sam
very nice! I like the way the s and N are wrapping around eachother. Nice use of drop shadow-it helps to make the logo pop. I like the curved edges of the letters.
4 days ago by sam
I like the pink and the use of shape in the logo design.
5 days ago by sam
I like the way this pops. Very fun textures and colors but still easy to read.
5 days ago by sam
I like the simplistic approach to this. A signature but legible and recognizable. Smart.
5 days ago by sam
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sam • 4 days ago
I'm Sol, creator of Authentic San Diego Pancake house. We're looking for someone that can make a good logo for our Pancake house. I think a wordmark would look cool. Would you be interested?
sam • 4 days ago

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Moc povedené
12 hours ago by Veronika - Reply

Oak logo

sam • 5 days ago
I'm Jina, I just founded a new business called Qak. For a while now, I've been looking for a good logo for my clothing store. I think a lettermark will fit best. Would you be interested?
I looked at this too quickly and saw oak instead of qak. lmao. but imagine a high end boutique with like an etsy vibe
sam • 5 days ago

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i like it
7 hours ago by Winda Risna - Reply


sam • 5 days ago
I am Angela, founder of SwimCube. I'm looking for someone that can make a good logo for my business. I would like the logo to be an abstract mark. Can you do that?
client wanted an abstract mark logo
sam • 5 days ago

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it's good
7 hours ago by Winda Risna - Reply

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