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Thank You for the feedback <3
6 hours ago by Leachy
So pretty !
1 day ago by Leachy
Really cool! I love the maximalist style and the color contrast, as well as the title of the form. It might look even better with a bit more space between the inputs and information.
1 day ago by Leachy
Incredible work. I can see this book on the shelf of a real bookstore.
2 days ago by Leachy
So beautiful! I love the colors; they're so refreshing and convey a feeling of youthfulness.
2 days ago by Leachy
Love it! I think it would look even more polished if the background extended around the entire book (spine).
2 days ago by Leachy
Cute. I could see the child taking up more space.
2 days ago by Leachy
Perfect! Love the lighting and the shadows.
2 days ago by Leachy
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TimTim "Refer a friend" form

Leachy • 2 days ago
I focused on creating a clean, minimalistic form that simplifies the referral process while maintaining TimTim's professional image.
The goal was to create a modern, elegant interface that reflects TimTim’s strength and growth while making it easy for employees to submit referrals. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome to help me improve and refine the design!
Leachy • 2 days ago

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simple yet informative <3
9 hours ago by Andrea - Reply
Thank You for the feedback <3
6 hours ago by Leachy - Reply

Freshly Dropped Iphone Mock Up

Leachy • 2 days ago
I designed a version of the app for iPhone, focusing on a fresh, intuitive interface for easy access.
As a programming student passionate about UI/UX design, I welcome any feedback to help me improve.
Thank you!
Leachy • 2 days ago

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i like it
7 hours ago by Winda Risna - Reply

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