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I like the style of illustration you used for the flowers, I feel it gives it an Art Nouveau style and makes it look high end, as the brief asks for and the use of colour reinforces this high end idea. On the other hand, the typography has very thin lines that are going to be difficult to print and it doesn't match the typography on the front with the one on the back because you used a typeface with a high visual weight I would use its medium version at the most. I also feel that on the back you have a lot of space and you crammed everything in one place. Lastly be careful with the margins, your text is too close to the edge and can be cut off during the printing process.
1 week ago by Leslie


Piccio's Pizzas

Leslie • 1 week ago
Leslie • 1 week ago

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4 days ago by ABATI OREOLUWA - Reply
4 days ago by Amir - Reply
5 days ago by RIHAB - Reply
very cute but a bit simple and not stand out
6 days ago by scarlett - Reply

Michelle Gobeil

Leslie • 1 week ago
Leslie • 1 week ago

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I really like the brush you used for this.
4 days ago by Alex - Reply
very simple
4 days ago by nora - Reply
I like the simplistic approach to this. A signature but legible and recognizable. Smart.
4 days ago by sam - Reply
Very nice
6 days ago by alifia talitha - Reply

Pak 'N Pay

Leslie • 1 week ago
Leslie • 1 week ago

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4 days ago by mahdi - Reply
Nice color combination! Creative and memorable logo.
6 days ago by Emilia - Reply
Well done.
1 week ago by SULEIMAN WAFIYAT - Reply

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