Tulsi Patel

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Thank you for your feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
Nice one...
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
Nice pic
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
Thank you for your feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
Thank you for feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
Nice flyer... very well organised
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel
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Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago
I'm Dorene, founder of SongStation. We're looking for someone that can make a good logo for our business. I think a wordmark would look cool. Would you be interested?
Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago

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Amazing, but it needs more colors.
1 month ago by abdul - Reply
Thank you for your feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel - Reply


Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago
I'm Johnathon, founder of DogStation. We're looking for someone that can make a good logo for our business. I would like the logo to be an abstract mark. Can you help us out?
I'm Johnathon, founder of DogStation. We're looking for someone that can make a good logo for our business. I would like the logo to be an abstract mark. Can you help us out?
Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago

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Graphic design

Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago
Hey There,
I'm Rhett, I recently started a new business called pah.net. I'm looking for someone that can design something for my car rental business. I would like a simple flyer for an event. We primarily use the color red (#ff3333). Can you help us out?
Hey There,
I'm Rhett, I recently started a new business called pah.net. I'm looking for someone that can design something for my car rental business. I would like a simple flyer for an event. We primarily use the color red (#ff3333). Can you help us out?
Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago

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Its great, but for my personal taste it kinda feels too crowded an needed more empty space
1 month ago by muhammad agil Kuncoro - Reply
Thank you for your feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel - Reply

Logo design

Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago
I'm Yan, I recently started a new business called cuq.org. We're looking for someone that can create a simple logo for our graphic design firm. I think a combination mark will fit best with the business. Can you do that?
I'm Yan, I recently started a new business called cuq.org. We're looking for someone that can create a simple logo for our graphic design firm. I think a combination mark will fit best with the business. Can you do that?
Tulsi Patel • 1 month ago

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I like the design it's easy for my eyes to manage
1 month ago by Lehavah Nachalah - Reply
Thank you for feedback
1 month ago by Tulsi Patel - Reply

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