Patience Salisbury

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I love this design! I think you did a great job representing the brand’s modern products while also keeping it simple and fun-looking.
2 years ago by Patience Salisbury



Patience Salisbury • 2 years ago
For this design, I tried to use relaxing colors because calmer colors are easily related to sleep. To incorporate the modernness of the company, I decided to choose a more retro font.

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The colors are Super nice and popin
1 year ago by Moane - Reply

Jewelry company logo

Patience Salisbury • 2 years ago
I am Eldridge,creator of San Diego Jewelry. I'm looking for someone that can make a good logo for my Jewelry. I like pictorial marks. Can you do that?
Very simple and easy to remember. The contrast between the black and white is very eye-catching.
Patience Salisbury • 2 years ago

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So beautiful and simplistic! I’m new to graphic design and I was scrolling down fake clients for inspiration and this logo caught my eye! Keep up the great work!
2 years ago by Aaryan - Reply
I liked that logo so much . good work
2 years ago by audai - Reply

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