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Gazelle Magazine Cover

Gazelle Magazine Cover

Sasha Stevens • 1 month ago
I highly doubt you will be able to create a website that looks like a magazine layout it's not possible!! hella dumb.
I did a magazine cover instead
Sasha Stevens • 1 month ago

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haha, I didn't see the brief but this is a good cover. I like how your grabbed the design of the top and incorporated it into the design
3 weeks ago by Nicole Q - Reply
I really like the color palette of this design and the white hair and eyebrows make it pop out more. I also like the format and positions of your design. but the only thing that maybe needs to be fixed is the title in yellow, it blends in with the design and its really hard to see it, but that it. overall is really good.
1 month ago by Luiz G Lacerda - Reply
thank you for you feedback i will look into it 😁
3 weeks ago by Sasha Stevens - Reply
Delivered an awesom magazine cover. delivered in time.
1 month ago by Raymond - Reply
ahaha, Thank you!!
3 weeks ago by Sasha Stevens - Reply

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