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Awesome creativity!!
4 years ago by Anuscke
Hi! I would perhaps add a bit more details about the event to the flyer... I did a course a while back on desig, the guy said that, without realizing it, when we look at a flyer or an add, within 3 seconds our brain asks "What is this, why should I care and is it important?" If the design fails to answer these questions we loose interest in what is being shown on the flyer/add. So maybe you could design another one, but with the following details added. - The name of the company (IPH Diner, like you did above) - What type of event it is (Just something short and sweet) - When and where (Like you did above) Hope this helps! :)
4 years ago by Anuscke
Really nice logo!!!
4 years ago by Anuscke
Hi there! This is a really cool design, but I think perhaps there is to much elements?
5 years ago by Anuscke
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Anuscke • 4 years ago
I am Timika, founder of I'm looking for someone that can design something for my insurance company. I would like a simple flyer for an event. We primarily use the color red (#ff7171). Can you help me out?"

Okay, I'm loving the redish colour!
Anuscke • 4 years ago

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Los Angeles Pancake House

Anuscke • 4 years ago
I am Jim, I recently started a new business called Los Angeles Pancake house. We're looking for someone that can make a good logo for our Pancake house. I like pictorial marks. Would you be interested?"

What do you think? Any suggestion?

I bought new software a few months ago, so I'm testing it out by making some logos
Anuscke • 4 years ago

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Sadye's Cafe Home Page

Anuscke • 5 years ago
I am Sadye, I recently started a new business called Sadye's Caf�. I am looking for someone that can design a professional website for my business. We need a home-page design for our website. Can you help us out?

What do you think, any tips? I used Power Point and a logo design program for this project.

The logo I designed myself. when you look at the logo at first it just looks like a coffee mug with a picture, but, there is a subtle hint of the name of the Cafe incorporated into the design, for example, the swirl looks like an odd shape "S" but at the same time a "C"
Anuscke • 5 years ago

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Coar Painting Business Logo

Anuscke • 5 years ago
I'm Anthony, I just founded a new business called Coar. For a while now, we've been looking for a good logo for our business. I would like the logo to be an abstract mark. Can you help us out?
Since there is no description of what type of business Coar is, I came up with a business type.

Coar is a newly founded business that sells vibrant colors of paint, their slogan "New color, New start".
Anuscke • 5 years ago

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