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Top 10 Free Design Brief Generators

18 March 2022 (updated) - By August van de Ven
Use FakeClients' design brief generator

What is a Design Brief Generator?

Graphic design, or design in general, is an industry where it can be incredibly hard to get started as a beginner, and especially, to get your first design job. Of course, you can follow design classes or go study design at a college but ultimately, a potential client is most likely going to mainly want to look at your previous works to get an idea of your style and level of expertise. This is why most experienced designers would strongly advise you to start building up a portfolio with your best work. If you're just a beginner though, you probably have had little to no professional graphic design jobs which you can use in your portfolio. This is where fake client practice projects come in handy. Working on practice projects is not only a great way to build up a design portfolio, but it also is one of the best ways of practicing design as you force yourself to go through the entire process of design. If you want to start working on practice projects, you could simply think of projects yourself but there are also lots of resources to help you with coming up with practice projects. One of these is a design brief generator. A design brief generator simply generates a design brief, a description of what you should design, by randomly combining specific requirements. Design brief generators come in all forms. Some simply generate a design brief in the form of a single sentence and others go into great detail, listing many specific requirements.

Why Use a Design Brief Generator?

Design brief generators can be very helpful for designers to build up a portfolio. Especially for beginning designers, brief generators are an easy way to practice and prepare for your first design job. There are currently various different design brief generators out there, with each of them having their individual pros and cons. FakeClients is one of these design brief generators and one of the most used ones. FakeClients tries to maintain a great diversity regarding the content of a design brief which is why fakeclients allows you to generate an infinite amount of randomly generated design briefs which will all be unique.

FakeClients' Design Brief Generator is a free design brief generator that you can use to generate an infinite number of randomly generated design briefs in design categories like logo design, UX design, UI design, graphic design and web design. Because of the high number of randomly selected components, you’ll never get the same brief twice. A downside to this is that the briefs can contain information that may seem contradictory. You can use these occasional 'odd' briefs to give yourself a different type of challenge, as real-world-clients can also be vague sometimes, but you can also go to the written brief section of FakeClients. FakeClients currently has a library of over 190 written briefs in all fields of design that you can use to challenge yourself even further.

Design brief generators on FakeClients:


/Brief is a brief generator for branding, illustration, packaging, and logo design with lots of different combinations. The briefs are less in the form of a ‘brief’ and more in the form of a checklist of various specifications regarding the project.

Briefz is a very simple generator that generates design project ideas. It gives you one line which describes the project to you. It can be very helpful for starting designers as you can be as creative as you want but it is less comparable to real-life briefs. is much like Briefz. It provides you with one line in which a design project is described. It is very simple but offers 1+ million combinations.


Goodbrief is another well-known design brief generator that works in much the same way as /Brief does but it has quite a lot more categories that you can choose from. It also has an improved design compared to /Brief, making it easier to use and mobile-friendly.


If you are looking for something more detailed than the basic design brief generator briefs, Briefbox is one of the most well-known websites for written design briefs. Briefbox provides curated, written design briefs, each with a specified difficulty. The fact that their briefs are curated and actually written by real designers, means that they often contain a greater amount of details than other design brief generators. A downside of their briefs is that if you want something more than a basic brief, you’ll have to buy their subscription and even if you have access to all their briefs, you'll eventually run out of briefs to work on.