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I think this is great! it has a nice flow. I would consider a new font for 'Hotel and Resort' the font you have now doesn't seem to go with the upscale feeling of it being a nice hotel
3 months ago by Jessie
I think this is a super cute and fun logo! The colors are really nice, the red definitely really pops!
3 months ago by Jessie
I love the illustration for this coffee shop logo! it definitely gives off a "fancy" feeling. The window in the illustration could be a little clearer, as well as perhaps matching the color of the type to the illustration. Great work overall!
3 months ago by Jessie


Florist business card

Jessie • 3 months ago
I know the rose on the light blue side is a little off center, besides that would love to receive feedback on this design- thanks!

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Great work, love the font.
3 months ago by Haqqeem - Reply
Hey nice work. Love the colours. But maybe try using a bolder font for the address (it's a little bit hard to read)
3 months ago by des_ombaka - Reply
Hey Jessie, it looks good but if I don't zoom in, I can't clearly read the text. Still, amazing work!
3 months ago by David Costa Mano - Reply


Jessie • 3 months ago
After redoing it I came up with this new version!

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Very nice! I love the warped text and the bright colors.
3 months ago by Bridget Nash - Reply
Nice one! I can see great personality with the tipography and the waves at the background!
3 months ago by Maurício Zorzo Hepp - Reply

Flyer for clothing sale

Jessie • 3 months ago
Here is a flyer I created for the fake brief- would appreciate any feedback!

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fonts are not it
3 months ago by Vartika Agarwal - Reply