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5 months ago by Emka
not this font,not this colour
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
too simple
5 months ago by Emka
try without a contour
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
it dont really fit for fhat it is made for
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
try with diffrent-modern font
5 months ago by Emka
trochę nieczytelne
5 months ago by Emka
should be the same thickness
5 months ago by Emka
try with the same thickness
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
nice and simple
5 months ago by Emka
te fonty nie pasują do siebie, daj to na środek
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
mega fajny design
5 months ago by Emka
i really like it
5 months ago by Emka
5 months ago by Emka
oddal to trochę od krawędzi
5 months ago by Emka
i really like your idea
5 months ago by Emka
,,B" should be in the middle. Slogan should be lower to fit the logo
5 months ago by Emka
it really looks good, i would change colors alternatively
5 months ago by Emka
mniej kwadratów/ obrysów. staraj się nie wyjeżdżać poza obszar roboczy
5 months ago by Emka
OMG you ate that. Amazinggg
5 months ago by Emka
za dużo się tu dzieje, nie ma spójności
5 months ago by Emka
the upper circle a bit up and will be good
5 months ago by Emka
everything fits together nicely, i'm not sure about those squares, but the rest <<chef kiss>>
5 months ago by Emka
i think it would be better if the spaces were the same
5 months ago by Emka
Try a different font. This one is too thin and doesn't match the rest.
5 months ago by Emka
i really like the idea of wings mixed as it is part of the truck. Overall this project is brilliant
5 months ago by Emka
try to change the arrow, it doesn't look very professional
5 months ago by Emka
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logo for cafeteria

Emka • 5 months ago
Hello! I'm Greg, creator of San Antonio Cafeteria. For a while now, we've been looking for a good logo for our Cafeteria. I think a lettermark will fit best
I'm Greg, creator of San Antonio Cafeteria. For a while now, we've been looking for a good logo for our Cafeteria. I think a lettermark will fit best. Would you be interested?

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4 months ago by Bilal - Reply
Nice work!
5 months ago by Raphael Etim - Reply