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Arctic Travel Landing Page

Diannisa • 2 years ago
Hi, I try to create landing page of Arctic Travel. Actually I'm a bit confused with the option. So I tried to create as what you see right now. If you have any feedback for me, please leave comment. Thank you :)

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Hi! I love your design, looks great! I just came across this, I am learning to be a frontend web developer, can I use your design for practice? And would you be able to share the design assets or a figma link if available. my email: [email protected]. Thank you!
8 months ago by John Pamisi - Reply
Very very intuitive, I liked it a lot, looks very professional to me and not confunsing.
1 year ago by Thalita Queiroz - Reply

Mocking by Jay

Diannisa • 2 years ago
Hi, I try to create landing page for Mocking by Jay to add my portfolio project. Need more feedback :), thank you.

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Cool design. very artistic
1 year ago by Kimberly Pingol - Reply

Freshly Dropped Application Design

Diannisa • 2 years ago
I try to create application design for freshly dropped to add my portofolio project. On the homepage, users can be able to just scroll through recipes that they might find interesting. It can be grouped by type of dishes, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, or etc. Users can search by ingridient or recipe with a filter include or exclude ingredients they want. If they are interested with the recipe, it can be added to their favourite list. On the detailed recipe, user can add it to cart and order to freshly dropped. For the color, it uses some shade of light green as requested.

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I learn much from this UI, thanks, bro
1 year ago by dojin - Reply
Great, I think you have designed something really professional. The logo would stick in my mind.
2 years ago by Dayne - Reply
Looks great. very fresh crisp and clean. Works very well with the product and seems easy to understand and navigate around. Maybe try experimenting with some colour a bit or try to add some more depth to the design to take it to the next level.
2 years ago by Ian smith - Reply