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Professional looking logo. Good job.
8 months ago by Viola
Colorful illustration. Looks just like its been colored by hand.
8 months ago by Viola
Colors complement each other but the design is a bit too busy.
8 months ago by Viola
Simple & creative.
8 months ago by Viola
Wow. This caught my eye instantly. The design & color scheme is so simple & elegant. I love the front of it. The back I found a bit too noisy with the pattern. But overall its amazing!
8 months ago by Viola
I'm undecided about the font, but I love your pencil & scribble line. It describes the profession in my opinion.
8 months ago by Viola
I love the color combo and the font. Its a gold shade I can't seem to get correct myself. Good job!
8 months ago by Viola
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Jennifers Heaven Business card

Viola • 8 months ago

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so beautiful
8 months ago by noori fatma - Reply

Michelle Gobeil - Name Logo

Viola • 8 months ago
Here is what I came up for her logo. I chose to stick closer to a childish color theme. I was going to include more colors, but since this will be a logo for all platforms including books I chose to make it simpler & the design as clear as possible.

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not good thats simply a text
8 months ago by noori fatma - Reply