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muhammad agil Kuncoro
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The Ultimate Lisbon Florist.
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muhammad agil Kuncoro • 2 weeks ago
I'm Ivonne, creator of The Ultimate Lisbon Florist. For a while now, I've been looking for a good designer for my florist. We will need a poster to advertise our business. Would you be interested?
I'm Ivonne, creator of The Ultimate Lisbon Florist. For a while now, I've been looking for a good designer for my florist. We will need a poster to advertise our business. Would you be interested?
two poster (but im using the old instagram size 😭)
the left one need more editing because it look like sticker but for overall is good
2 weeks ago by fara - Reply
Actually, it's still lacking. in terms of writing, the color outih collides with the picture. So, it looks less clear. You should use a thicker font and a darker color to make it clear.
2 weeks ago by Dhea Novianti R - Reply

Business Card
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muhammad agil Kuncoro • 6 months ago
business card for jewelry company called VFK
that's so interessting work it seems to be simple and elegant but i think it may be more attractive if it can contains more vivant colors and a Qr code to adapt to technologie
6 months ago by eya - Reply