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Color Mixing App



Dear Sir and or Madam,

I am writing to you in regard to a user interface design I am in need of. My name's Jimmy, I am an artist and I have been working on an app idea to help people like me with their job or their art-related hobbies. Since I am no UI designer whatsoever, I was wondering if you could help me out with my idea. I work with paints a lot and over the years I have had a lot of trials and errors with trying to get the perfect color by mixing the right paints with each other. Therefore, I thought of an app that will do that exact process for you. I would like you to design me an interface for an app in which you can fill in a specific color code, for instance, #750b0b, and the app will show you how exactly to make the color with the basic primary colors along with black and white. It should give you some sort of percentage of how much of each color to use in order to get the color that you are looking for. I believe that an app like this can truly make the paint mixing process of a lot of artists so much easier and without error. The app does not need to be all fancy and complicated, as long as it works properly it could help a lot of people out. I hope you understand what exactly I am looking for.

Thank you in advance,


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