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7 Free GoodBrief Alternatives: Professional, In-depth Briefs – Design Brief Generators

17 March, 2022 - By August van de Ven

Try out FakeClients' design brief generator

As anyone who works in the creative industry knows, practice is everything when it comes to improving your craft. Arguably one of the best methods of practicing in creative fields like graphic design is by doing it using practice projects. Of course, it's always good to learn about new techniques, software, and trends regarding graphic design, but it doesn't come close to setting up a project for yourself and going through the whole process of designing something. The benefits of this method of practicing design are obvious. When you create a project for yourself, you force yourself to think like a professional designer. You learn how to incorporate a set of requirements and wishes and learn to work with factors surrounding a project like deadlines and research. If you've ever attempted to use this method of practicing design, you've likely also realized how difficult it can be to come up with a practice project for yourself. This is where design brief generators like GoodBrief and FakeClients come in handy. These websites will give you a randomly generated design brief which you can use as the starting point for your next practice project.

What is GoodBrief?

GoodBrief is a design brief generator that you can use to generate design briefs for a few different categories like logo design, billboard design, and illustration. They also allow you to select the industry of the brief that is generated, industries like food, retail, and real estate. GoodBrief is said to have already generated over 1,000,000 briefs for its users. Some downsides of GoodBrief are that the requirements can often be contradictory and that they can begin to feel quite repetitive after a while. Luckily, there are many great alternatives to GoodBrief, which are listed below.

Using FakeClients as a GoodBrief Alternative

FakeClients also offers a design brief generator just like GoodBrief but has quite a few extra categories which GoodBrief doesn't offer. These include generators for fields like user experience design, user interface design, writing, and painting. If you're looking for something a little more challenging, FakeClients also has a growing library of over 190 written briefs. These briefs cover fields like logo design, UI design, and UX design and go a lot more in-depth in terms of the requirements and the client description. Even if you've had enough of the written briefs, you can try out the new FakeClients Pro brief generator which will generate more in-depth briefs from AI-generated businesses.

FakeClients design brief generator:

Screenshot of the fakeclients design brief generator, goodbrief alternative

Other GoodBrief Alternatives

Besides FakeClients, there are many other GoodBrief alternatives that offer all kinds of briefs and brief generators.

Briefz is another popular design brief generator and one that recently got a design refresh. Compared to GoodBrief, this design brief generator is very simplistic and will give you briefs like "Design a homepage for a hotel".


If you're looking for a GoodBrief alternative that specifically covers fields like icon design and product design, BriefGenerator might be the right design brief generator for you. The briefs are about as long as those generated by GoodBrief but will give you fake briefs from existing brands. Unfortunately, though, the briefs will often give you contradictory requests. is a GoodBrief alternative that's quite similar to Briefz but one advantage is that has quite a bit more options in terms of categories you can choose from and different creative fields you can generate prompts for.

Daily UI

If you are looking for a website like GoodBrief but want to challenge yourself for a longer time, you should try out a daily design challenge like Daily UI. Unfortunately though, Daily UI currently only offers a daily design challenge for user interface design and will only run for 100 days.

The Daily Logo Challenge

Another popular daily design challenge is The Daily Logo Challenge. This challenge is obviously mainly aimed at logo designers and is a great way to challenge yourself for about a month and a half while you can build up a logo design portfolio.


If you are looking for design briefs that are completely different from GoodBrief, Briefbox might be a good choice for you. Instead of offering a design brief generator, Briefbox offers paid packs of written briefs you can purchase.